Thursday, October 1, 2009

On the Hunt for Hairspray

Ugh, I've been on the hunt for the perfect hairspray for the last year and a half. Bottle after bottle, can after can, I'm still not happy. I've gone by recommendations, I've gone for the cute and fun can and the basic yet reliable looking can, and each time I'm disappointed. So I spent some time snooping around out in hairspray literature and came across an exciting find. L'Oreal Elnett Satin legendary in the hair world and is a favorite hairspray all across the world. Until recently, it wasn't even available in the United States, which totally ups my intrigue in it. I guess its similar to the "bad boy" effect. Anyway, it has recently come to the US which means my hunt for the perfect hairspray might be coming to an end...

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