{image by Kendall Stoy}
We're two days away from the start of The September Freeze, and as crazy as it sounds, I'm kind of excited! Sure, the no-spending thing will be hard, but I'm looking forward to challenging myself and getting a better handle on my spending. So far, 20 brave souls have agreed to take on the challenge, and I can't wait to see how each of us makes the challenge unique for our own lives. If you're participating and you haven't commented or emailed me that "you're in" make sure to do so, asap. Thursday, I will be posting a master list of participants with links to blogs so everyone can check in on you and your journey. And if you are still on the fence about the challenge, I say go for it! Dive in, take a risk, and learn something new about yourself and the way you spend. Its only 30 days...how bad can it be? :)
And for those of you who are participating, Thursdays are our days to officially post and check in with one another. I will likely post more often about my progress/tips/tricks/etc, but I think a once a week post is imperitive for reflecting and really engaging around this challenge. When you post, feel free to use The September Spending Freeze image (posted above) and link back to my blog so people can see a list of all the participants. This Thursday, I encourage everyone to post their rules for their challenge, remembering its all about making your own rules and making this challenge work for you!
So the official kickoff is less than 48 hours away. Bring it.
Ooooh. This is such a good idea! Although... I just got a job and I can't wait to spend some money ;) Maybe I'll do it in November? November is a dull month anyway ;)
Bisous & bonne chance!
If there's still time to join in, I'd love to participate!
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