Thursday, October 11, 2012

It Matters


I love this quote for so many reasons.  It puts into words something I've been thinking about a lot lately.  Big things are hard, big things take time.  Good things require effort, good things need care.  As I think about my future, there are so many things I dream about.  Big things, big dreams.  But almost instantly, I feel scared away by the amount of risk, effort, and work it might take.  I think about all the ways I might fail, I think about all the time and tears it might take.  I start to think about saying, "Nevermind."  But then I remind myself that if its big, if its important, and if its something few people do, then it's going to take time and hard work.  It's going to require risk and pushing through my fears.  Because, the good things, the important things, the meaningful things, well, they matter.  And things that matter don't come easy.

So today I challenge us.  To work hard, to take risks, to push through our fears.  Because our hopes and our dreams may be big and scary, but they matter.  And when things matter, we've got to go for them with all we've got.


Brady said...

I love this. What big things do you have in the works???

Finance Girl said...

this quote captures exactly what i need to tell myself. i don't remember life getting so "grown-up" and about having to make decisions that matter. eek!

ps. i just wanted to say that i love your blog. i recently discovered it.

Megan said...

This is great! The quote really speaks to me, and your insight on it is perfect. So encouraging!!

Just stumbled across your blog, and I love it!

Have a great weekend!!