Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blind Date Brunch

I went on my first blind date this weekend.  True story.  And despite all the horror stories I've heard about blind dates, this one was pretty fantastic.  The conversation was great, the food was fabulous, and I spent about 90% of the meal laughing hysterically.  See, told you, a blind date gem I had.  But this wasn't a romantic blind date (that'd be pretty weird considering I'm married and all), this was a blogger blind date!

Erin and I have been followers of each others blogs for a while and after a lot of commenting and emailing back and forth about Chicago events, recommendations, and must sees, we finally decided to meet up in person.  (I realize that to some people, especially non-bloggers, this might seem a little creepy, but we were both fairly certain the other wasn't a serial killer, so the creeper factor was seriously reduced.)

DSCN4698Both of us had been dying to try Hot Chocolate, so we scheduled a Saturday brunch and met up in Wicker Park.  Even though we'd both been drooling over the menu for a few weeks, it was so hard to decide what to order.  Everything looked so good!

DSCN4701Erin, her fabulous necklace, and her yummy french toast.  So nice to finally put a face to the blog :)

DSCN4699Cheers to non-creepy blogger first dates!

DSCN4700Homemade donuts?  Yes please.

DSCN4702Me, my quiche, and my almost empty Bellini (shocker.)

DSCN4703Outside the restaurant before doing a little shopping.  (It wouldn't be a blogger meet up without at least a little shopping!)  PS: If you're wondering why we're both bundled up beyond belief its because Chicago is season-challenged and can't the memo that spring is supposed to be here.  Parts of the city got snow on Saturday.  Sheesh.  Get with it Chicago.

So to all of you who've had terrible blind dates, my condolences.  Because my first blind date was a total success.  Lots of laughing, more than a few "omg, me toooo" moments, and a big hug goodbye.  A second date is definitely in the works :)  Thanks Erin for a fabulous brunch!

PS: Has anyone else done a blogger blind date?  Was it awesome like mine or totally creepy lol?


Anna Walker said...

Aw I have never been on a blogger blind date! I wish!!! It looks and sounds like you had fun, and you looked pretty too!

Norma said...

so awesome! maybe i can join once i'm up there! ;)

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute post! It always amazes me how the blogging world can introduce us to new friends -- How fun!

P.S. Denver is seasonally challenged too, but it's not even consistent about it. One day it will be pushing 80. The next? Blowing snow with 35 mph winds. At least no one can call our cities boring!

Glitterista said...

I'd love to have a blogger blind date someday. This looks like so much fun! (And the food, of course looks delish.) :)

Cigar Heiress said...

That is so cool! I wish I knew some bloggers is my area.

ty said...

This is so fun! I've been trying to work out a blind date with a few friends, but with finals approaching, I think I'm gonna have to wait until May!

Alexandra Bee Blog said...

how fun! i can't wait to do some bloggy meet-ups!

katie@tulsadetails said...

Tell me you had the Hot Chocolate there! I have done more than one blog post on it's deliciousness! :) I have had a bloggy blind date and we had a blast! Looks like you guys did too!

Alison Kinsey said...

this is so fun Allison!!!
i've done plenty of bloggy meetups but i vividly recall my first one! it was sooo unbelievably nervewracking but then i met Lisa for dinner (the lovely gal behind and we instantly hit it off!

Alivia said...

OH. My gosh.
I had a blogger weekend! So funny that we did it around the same time! :)

PursuitOfLLT said...

SO fun!! I seriously feel like I've known you for ten years. Can't wait for our second date :)

I also love what a huge nerd I look like in the last picture, hah!

And b/c I am a terrible blogger and forgot my camera I will be doing some photo stealing, whoops!

Loren said...

Oh my gosh, I love this post. I don't think its creepy at all! haha, it just looked like a fun girls day! :)

Anonymous said...

How fun!! I've never been on a blind date, blogger style, but sounds like it could be a great day!

Tina said...

Aw what fun! what a simple casual date! maybe you & matt can double date me and my [soon to be] husband when we come visit chicago! lol and uhm... you NEED to say where that jacket is from!! lol im dying over it!

Kelly said...

Glad your blogger blind date turned out well. And that she wasn't a serial killer. And that there were donuts. :)

Object of Maya*ffection said...

I LOVE Hot Chocolate!