Wednesday, March 31, 2010

GIVEAWAY: Chic Little Travel Jewelry Box

 Lizard Grain Ladies Calf Stud _ Ring Box in BlackMonday I hinted about another giveaway, and I am so excited to announce it today!  CSN Stores contacted me a few weeks ago about doing a giveaway, and I am so excited that they did!  Their site has everything you could imagine from counter stools to home decor to jewelry and luggage.  As soon as I looked around their 200+ sites, I knew exactly what I wanted to give away…something to make my jewelry collection more travel friendly!  I love to pack oodles (yep, that’s a word) of jewelry when I travel, yet I feel like it just gets thrown into a giant black hole.  So I scoured their site, and found so many delightful choices.  The one I’m giving away though is my favorite!  The Budd Leather Lizard Grain Ladies Calf Stud / Ring Box is the perfect size, completely functional, and totally chic and cute.   It comes in a variety of colors, and given that their inventory stays the same over the next few days, the lucky winner will get to pick the color they want.  And who doesn’t love options?!

So here’s how to enter…

1. You must be a follower to win.  (If you’re not already a follower, just become one, it’s easy!)

2.  Leave a comment to enter.  Any comment will do…your name, “enter me,” “Allison, you’re the…” anything will do.  (And yes, I really just said!) :)

3.  For a second entry, blog about this giveaway on your blog!  If you do this, please leave a second comment telling me you did this with a link to your blog.

All entries must be received by Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 11:59 pm CT.  The winner will be chosen at random and will be announced on Friday, April 9.  Happy commenting and best of luck to all those who enter.  I can’t wait to see who will be traveling organized and in style!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Traveling Tidbits (and a Giveaway Hint!)

beauty_cute_fetish_luggage_packing_blog-bb4a7f13b9350ad8166d92c001763f9e_h_large  {we heart it}

Hello and happy Monday!  Today is a little less than happy for me, as I’m cooped up in bed with a sore throat and crazy case of the sniffles/coughs/aches.  Lovely, I know.  But, being cooped up has its benefits…hello blogland :) 

It feels like we’ve been traveling a ton lately, even before our world tour.  In recent months, I’ve learned a lot about traveling, and I thought I’d share some of my traveling tidbits with my delightful readers…

The airlines picked up on what my dad wishes he would have picked up on years ago.  If you charge me for bags, I’ll pack lighter.  Pretty sure my dad’s back would have been saved if he would have known that.  I’ve always been a complicated traveler, even when the clothes in my suitcase were from Limited Too.

Don’t ever go on a vacation, roadtrip, or overnight get away without your cozy robe.  It’s the easiest way to feel at home when everything around is nothing like home.

The only thing I dread more than a pop quiz in my Structural Equation Modeling class (yeah, I’m in a class with that name, and yeah, its as awful as it sounds) is the moment on a flight when the dude in front me decides to lean his chair back.  I mean, airline legroom is limited in general, but for a long legged 5’10’’ sista, it’s unbearable.  But no worries dude in front of me, I love holding my magazine two inches from my face and balancing my airplane sized mini coke in my lap. 

A king sized bed with seven fluffy pillows is the best sight in the world after a day full of traveling.  For realz.

I am weirdly obsessed with Hudson News (you know, the airport news/magazine store.)  Something about all those new, shiny magazines lining the walls with candy stacked high up the adjacent wall is absolutely thrilling for me.  I literally stop at every airport and every layover to buy a magazine (or two or three) and some Twizzlers.  I might have a problem, I realize this.

Uggs and snow do not mix. Period.  (Oh how I’m going to struggle in Chicago.)

A poor doctoral student’s dream phrase to hear while waiting for her flight is “Ladies and gentlemen, this flight is overbooked.  We are currently looking for volunteers to get off for a travel voucher with our airline.”  Matt and I heard that phrase before our flight to Chicago, and while all the “real” grown ups with money stayed glued to their seats, looking around thinking, “Oh hell no, I’m not getting off this flight,” I was sprinting to the counter to be the first volunteer.  And the payoff was totally worth it.  For delaying our trip an hour and a half, Matt and I each got $400 in Delta money, as well as breakfast and lunch meal vouchers.  400 dollars?!  Do you know all the places I could fly with that extra money?!  Before our flight even took off, I had already planned a trip with Matt to Napa, Disneyworld, and New York.  Now I just have to choose :)  So the next time they offer a voucher to give up your seat, I’d act fast, or I might beat you to the ticket counter :)

After you offer to give up your seat for your $400, and the gate agent tells you she made a mistake and she can’t get you out for seven more hours, simply and firmly ask to speak to her supervisor.  The problem will be fixed and you’ll have an earlier flight within ten minutes.  (Weird how that happens…)

The roll method of packing really does work.  I swear by it now.  I can fit at least twice at much crap much needed stuff into my suitcase with the roll and stuff method.

Take a fair amount of jewelry on your trips.  Jewelry is relatively small yet can transform the look of any outfit, so pack good jewelry options, and give yourself double the travel wardrobe!

So what travel travel tips have you picked up over the years?  Do share because I’ve got four hundred Delta dollars to spend, and I plan to spend it as a smart and stylish traveler!  Annnnnd….get excited because later this week I’m posting a fun giveaway (woo hoo!) that has to do with one of the travel tidbits I talked about here.  (I’ll give you a hint, it has to do with the last tip.)  Hooray for giveaways, and hooray for sharing your travel tips with me!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Banana’s Spring Sale

So Banana is having a pretty good sale on some of their spring lovelies, and I must say, I’ve seen several things that have me thinking.  I’ve been wanting to get some new staple pieces for spring, but with a cross country move coming up, I’m trying not to spend a fortune.  This sale might be just what I need…

br719954-00vliv01 I love this Ruffle-neck Tank because its lightweight, long, and has that cute ruffle detailing.  These types of pieces work well for me because I can wear them jeans or a skirt, under a cami or blazer or on their own.  The tank comes in a variety of colors, but I think not quite gray, not quite purple color is my favorite.

br719944-00vliv01This Silk Twist Halter Dress just shouts spring!  I love the color, the cut, and the fun detailing at the neckline.  I’m wondering though, how much wear I’ll get out dresses like this in Chicago?  In Texas, you can make dresses like this work 8 months out of the year, especially if you’re creative with cardigans and blazers.  But in the a place with four real seasons, is a dress like this practical for more than a month?

br719671-01vliv01 I’ve had my eye on a thin knit vest for months, and I think this Wool/Cotton Zip-Front Vest might just be the magic winner!  It would look great with jeans, over a dress, with a skirt…I can’t think of anywhere I wouldn’t wear it!  I also think it would be something a little more Chicago-season friendly, as it would transition really well into fall.  It also comes in black, but I think the gray is much lighter for spring.

br646188-00vliv01 Yall already know about my newfound obsession with blazers, so its no surprise that this White Blazer makes me giddy.  The cut and color are perfect for warmer weather, and I also love the camel colored buttons.  This also inspires me to try the belted blazer look.  Me likie!

br743412-00vliv01 Last but not least, these Dancing Charm Earrings are meant to be mine.  I love love love the color and think its great for injecting a fresh bit of spring into some of my current staples.  I moved away from the big earrings for fall and winter in favor of headbands and statement necklaces, but spring has me coming back to my big earring roots.  After all, I am from Texas :)  Love these!

Are you looking to give your wardrobe staples a punch of spring?  If so, what your strategy?  Do share, I need a good game plan.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Back from My World Tour

tumblr_kv0xt4tFY01qzmg2ao1_400_large {we heart it}

You may have noticed that I’ve been a bad blogger lately (at least by my standards.)  That last post about blazers literally took me a week to piece together, having 5 seconds here, 5 seconds there.  But in the past two weeks, I have literally been around the world and back.  Ok, maybe not literally “around the world,” but it sure as heck has felt that way.  You already know about Matt and I’s trip to Philly, but after that, we flew to Houston, to Chicago, back to Houston, drove to Dallas, and finally, late Sunday afternoon, we made it home.  All of this in the span of just over a week and a half.  Exhausting to say the least.  I have never been so happy to turn the key in the front door of Matt and I’s shoebox of an apartment than I was on Sunday.  But, even with all the craziness, Matt and I managed to have a really good time in every country city on our “world tour.”

After Philly and a quick one night layover in Houston, we flew to Chicago for several days in hopes of finding our new home.  (We are moving to Chicago at the end of this semester.  You can read more about it here and here.)  After a few fights over city vs. suburb and some unnecessarily dramatic tears from me , Matt and I finally decided to live in the burbs.  Slight groan, I know, but I think it is going to be the best choice for us, given that Matt’s job is closer to the suburbs and that we’d like to have a place big enough for friends and family to shack up with us when my visit Chicago.

DSCN1919 We were so lucky to be able to stay with our friends, Matt and Christie (smiling above), in Chicago who have a chic little brownstone in Lincoln Park.  They are so generous in letting us shack up with them when we visit, particularly because my suitcase tends to explode in their dining room the minute we arrive.  (Read about our last shack up with them here.)  The night Matt and I got in, the four of went to watch a performance by Vintage Theater Collective, started by one of Christie’s dear friends and a girl I grew up going to school with.  I really enjoyed it, and it got good reviews in the Chicago Reader (congrats Katy!)  Here are Matt and Christie smiling on the way home, indulging their touristy friend who has to take pictures everywhere we go :)

DSCN1931 The next day Matt and I went apartment hunting, and though we’d allotted three full days to find a place, we were so blessed to find our new home after only 5 stops!  We absolutely ADORE it, and we were so lucky because it came with an extra cherry on top.  We were scheduled to have our current apartment through August, so were planning to pay double rent for a few months once we’d moved to Chicago.  Matt random noticed a familiar logo on the door of the office when we walked it, and it turns out that they are owned by the same company who owns our current apartment.  So what’s the cherry on top?  Because its the same company, we were able to get out of our lease early, no penalties!  Woo hoo, hooray!  It literally could not have worked out better.  (And don’t be fooled by the picture above, our apartment isn’t downtown, I just snapped this pic while we were out in the city.)

DSCN1954 I am beyond excited to decorate a new space, and I will post tons of pictures as we move and transform our new little home.  If it were up to me, it would be a shabby chic wonderland, but I have a husband who cares about the space he lives in, so we’ll go for more of a hotel chic look.  At least that’s my plan :)  The kitchen might be my favorite part of the apartment due to the stainless steel appliances.  The place we’re in now has appliances from the stone age, so I am thrilled with these babies.  Other bonuses include a wood burning fireplace, a stackable washer/dryer, giant walk in closets, a patio, 2 bathrooms (a relationship saver), and a big storage locker for all my Christmas decorations :)

DSCN1923 That night we went to Goose Island Brewery with our friends Matt and Christie to celebrate our new home.  (The picture I posted in my blazer post is from there as well.)  Please excuse my gigantic self in this pic, lol.  I had on my mega tall boots that night, which apparently make me look like a woman capable of making it into the Guinness Book of World Records for world’s tallest freak woman!

DSCN1926 The next day Matt and I went downtown to check out the green river.  Every Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day, the city of Chicago dyes the Chicago River green.  We didn’t make it there till the Wednesday after, so to me, it just looked dirty.  But next year, we’ll make sure to see it on its unveiling day.  (Since we’ll be living in Chicago and all!) I don’t ever get sick of saying that :)

DSCN1929 We headed to Lou Malnatis for some famous deep dish pizza.  This is known to be one of the best places for deep dish pizza, and it did not disappoint.  It was also completely fat free ;)

DSCN1936 That night we headed to Tarantino’s for appetizers and drinks.  They had off the chart kind-of-martinis (they weren’t as strong as typical martinis, thankfully) and these delicious fried oysters.  Though this blog might not seem like it, I swear I do more with my life than eat. 

DSCN1944 Christie made a lovely toast cheersing (is that a word?) to Chicago, our newest home.  I can’t wait see what the windy city brings us!

DSCN1963 Buuuut our trip didn’t end there.  We flew into Houston, grabbed lunch with my mom, and then headed up to Dallas for my best friend, Jordan, and her fiancé's engagement party.  Matt and I arrived feeling a bit like travel-crazed, sleep deprived zombies, but we wouldn’t have missed this party for anything!  Jordan and I are obsessed with getting our makeup done at MAC, and the engagement party was the perfect excuse to stop in and get our makeup done (and take picture while doing so.)

DSCN1969 Sweet Matt and I at the party.  I really have an incredible husband :)

DSCN1967 I am so excited to stand next to Jordan as she marries her man next year.  Oh and ps, just call me  the friendly ghost :)

DSCN1976  Me and my almost-mommy friend, Kendall.  I blogged about her baby shower here and still cannot believe she is about to have her very own, real life, handsome prince, baby boy.  Eeek!

DSCN2002-1 My best friend Steven finally arrived and our high school group was complete (minus Adrienne, we missed you Adge!)  I seriously adore these people for who they are and all the joy the bring into my life.

DSCN1977 The party was tons of fun, and by the end of the night, my stomach hurt from laughing so much.  I have really cool friends.  It’s a fact.  They’re really cool.

Allison 2 After I posted this post (redundant much?) this picture was emailed to me and I love it too much not to share it!

DSCN2007 The next morning Matt and I got up bright and early to drive back home.  This is what we were greeted with.  I swear, only in Texas is it 70 degrees on a Friday, then mid blizzard on Saturday night.  Pathetically, I didn’t have an ice scraper, so I used a neon green, disposable, foam flip flop from my pedicure the day before.  Hahahhhaha, it was so sad and so funny at the same time.  I died laughing at myself (in the cold, while scraping snow and ice with a foam flip flop.)  I am going to struggle in Chicago :)

Phew, what a crazy week and a half!  And phew, what a long blog post!  If you’re still reading, I am totally impressed.  All in all, I got to spend time with some fabulous people, see some cool sights, and find our fabulous new home in Chicago!  Hooray!

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Secret to Blazers

erez2 {j.crew}

I have long loved blazers.  I think they are fabulously basic, professional for work yet totally chic, and the perfect way to pair the masculine and feminine together.  Yet, much like headbands and black nail polish, blazers were a thing I loved and craved, yet absolutely could not get to work for me.  I had great blazers and continued to buy ones that I loved, but I could never quite pair it with the right stuff.  It always looked…I don’t know…not right.  However, in the past few weeks, I have finally found the secret to making blazers work for me….(drumroll please)…

Long, loose fitting, and/or flowy tanks and tees.

Some of you may be laughing at me as you read this.  Perhaps you already knew this holy-grail-secret-to-blazers.  If so, congrats to you (and shame on your for not sharing with me!)  I’ve been missing out on the fabulousness of blazers for years because of this well kept secret!  So here’s where I was getting caught up.  In the past, when I wanted to sport a blazer, I’d reach for the simplest under-thing in my closet, a black or white cami.  This was my mistake.  The cami was my mistake.  When I’d pair the cami and the blazer together, I’d always get a sort of “unflattering” vibe.  If you are a stick straight, flat tummied, Cameron Diaz type girl, you won’t get this same vibe, and you should rock the hell out of the cami-blazer look.  But if you’re a girl, who has some shape, curves and an intense fear of the muffin top, this combination won’t be the best for you.  I fall into that second category, and always thought the cami-blazer a little too tight and muffin top promoting.  (I have this intense fear of being that girl who has fat squishage over her jeans and fails to care or notice.  If I have it, ehh, I’ll deal, but I absolutely do not want to highlight and share that part of myself with others.  No thank you.  And yes, squishage is a real word.  Invented by me.) 

So one morning, after a fluke pairing of a camel and cream herringbone blazer with a long, flowy cream tank with great neckline detail (I guess all my camis were dirty), I looked in the mirror and realized the major difference.  This look could work for me!  I added a few layered gold necklaces, two cocktail rings, a pair of heels, and voila, I was the professional yet chic blazer wearing girly girl I’d always wanted to be.  And it was as simple as a longer, looser top.  Who freaking knew?!  Since that day, I’ve been wearing blazers everywhere I go.  The airport, the office, the museum, the dinner date spot, the wine bar…I am now OBSESSED with wearing blazers!  So if you’re a wannabe blazer lover, but can’t get it quite right, try a longer, looser top for underneath and see what you think!  (And check out a few of the pics of below.) 

FP_4330391_Kardashian_Kim_FRE_010810 Kim Kardashian has the blazer thing down.  For realz.  I heart her and her fashion sense.

f8359b62898e60a9_LAUREN-CONRAD.preview Lauren and Lo, different takes on the blazer and both look fabulous.

DSCN1922 My friend Christie and I in Chicago (more on that recent trip to come) both clearly loving the blazer/jacket look.  My tank was actually a light pink ruffle tank from J.Crew, but it photographed white for some reason.  Bummer.

4426057e2671d7cb_Kim-Kardashian And after I wore the look above, I found this pic of Kim Kardashian.  Looks like we both dig the black blazer, grey scarf, and tall black boot trend.  Too bad I’m not carrying that fabulous bag of hers!

What about the rest of yall…are you a blazer lover like me?  Are there other secrets to blazer wearing I still don’t know?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Philadelphia Fun and Giveaway Winner!

Yo Adrian blog readers!  (Rocky reference, will explain later, I swear…)  Matt and I are about at the end of our trip to Philadelphia, and though I usually wait until I’m home to blog trip wrap ups, the torrential downpour outside is keeping us tucked away in the hotel tonight.  The weather has been out of control here (and by out of control I mean awful, cold, and full of sideways rain), but nonetheless, we found some time between conference presentations and 35 mile an hour rainy winds to explore the City of Brotherly Love.  (If you really don’t care about our trip, no hurt feelings, sniff sniff, but scroll to the bottom for the giveaway winner.)

DSCN1861 We flew out of Houston, and I was so happy that we flew Continental because it meant we got to use The President’s Club, woo hoo! Matt and I use Hotwire to book a lot of our flights, and since we hadn’t flown Continental in a while, I toootally forgot we had this little President’s Club perk thanks to our Amex.  Airports are not my favorite places in the world, but these cushy chairs and free breakfast/coffee/booze/wireless make them delightfully more bearable!

DSCN1864 Wednesday after checking into both the hotel and the conference (we had to pick up our nerd alert badges), we explored the city and found a hot little dinner spot.  The Continental is a restaurant and martini bar with a retro-hip feel that apparently lots of Philadelphians find quite cool, and we would have to agree.  It was yummy, and our favorite dish of the night was this Crispy Calamari Salad.  Chopped greens, carrots, tomatoes, sprouts, and calamari, in a soy ginger dressing.  I will no doubt crave this salad for the rest of my life.

DSCN1870 Thursday morning Matt and I headed out for the conference bright and freaking early.  (My husband has to be early to everything, which does not sit well with this always-running-late-kind-of-girl.)  He insisted on wearing his badge as we walked downtown, pegging him as a total tourist.  I preferred the taking pictures everywhere we go pegging method :)

DSCN1873 After several very interesting presentations (cough, cough, not really), we headed to the Reading Terminal Market for lunch.  We kind of stumbled on this place, and I am SO glad we did.  It was awe-some.  (So awesome, I had to hyphenate awesome.)  There were hundreds of  local merchants selling baked goods, meats, poultry, seafood, produce, flowers, Amish specialties, cookware, and every type of cuisine you could imagine.  We snagged a spot at the Down Home Diner and split a fried egg burger.  Gotta get in healthy poultry even on the road ;)  I also picked up some dark chocolate covered raisins from of the vendors.  (Raisins = healthy, right?!)

DSCN1877 Friday morning we sketched out on the conference, and took a double decker bus tour of the city.  I know, I know, it’s a touristy thing to do, but we were tourists, so it was a must (and a good way to see the city.)  Matt and I’s favorite stop on the tour was the Philadelphia Art Museum, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the art.  The steps leading up to the museum are the famous Rocky steps (cue “Eye of the Tiger” please.)  Here we are posing with Sylvester, who clearly needs to work on his abs a little more. 

ryan rocky Total sidenote: a few summers ago when we were in Rome, my brother did his best Rocky impression at the top of the Spanish Steps (shown here.)  At that time, I had no idea what he was referring to because I’d never actually seen the movie Rocky.  After being married to Matt for nine months, I have been forced to watch Rocky 950 times and now get the reference :)

DSCN1884 Me at the top of the real Rocky steps.  I think I injected too much of a drill team “high V” into my Rocky impression.  The popped knee doesn’t look very authentic either :)

DSCN1883 Matt and I at the top…Yo Adrian!  PS: please notice that my nostrils are flared in this picture because I was so out of breath from the run up the steps.  It was seriously pathetic.  Half way up the steps, I had to pause for air.  When we got back to the bus, a seemingly sweet, white haired man commented on my failure to make it all the way up the steps without stopping.  “You didn’t even make it all the way up before stopping sweetie.”  Well thanks gramps for pointing out to the whole dang bus that I’m an out-of-shape-fatty.  You rock.

DSCN1888 Speaking of fatty…we later stopped off in south Philly for an “authentic” Philly cheesesteak from Geno’s.  (So “authentic” it was $8.25.  Pssh, authentic my butt.)  I didn’t really see the big fuss, but Matt really wanted to try one, so when in Rome Philly…

DSCN1891 After the lunch disappointment, we visited Ralph’s in South Philly, which is the oldest family run Italian restaurant in the United States, for a cannolli and coffee.  I’d never actually had a cannolli before, and though I despise ricotta cheese, it was pretty good.  And this place was pretty authentic, so it was a legit first experience in my book.  (PS: I know it looks like all we did on this trip was eat and go to our nerd conference, but just FYI, Matt and I split meals when we’re out of town.   I failed to mention that in my State Fair post, and about ten of my friends later questioned my appetite, as well as my cholesterol.)

DSCN1895 Next big stop of the day, Independence Hall.  I know its where our founding fathers laid the groundwork for our country (and I am forever grateful, seriously I am), but at this point in the rainy day, I hit my breaking point.  I was over it.  Historied out, rained out, toured out, and walked out.  I proceeded to whine, complain, and be annoying till we got inside.  Nooooot one of my better moments.  We also saw the Liberty Bell on this stop and took a tour of the hall behind us, which was cool to see.  At the end of the tour, I asked if we were going to see the Declaration of Independence.  Matt laughed at me in embarrassment, and said, “No honey, it’s in Washington DC.”  Oh yeah, oopsie… :)

All in all, our trip to Philly was a success.  A soggy success, but a success nonetheless.  Our presentation went well and we were able to get in some good sightseeing and some yummy food.  But now, for the part of the post most of you tuned in for…the giveaway winner…drumroll please…


And the winner is…Summer Wind!  Woo hoo, congratulations, should be your new BFF :)  Email me your mailing address at, and I will get your new Kate Spade lovely shipped out to you.  Congrats girl!

To all those who didn’t win, dry your tears, I have a feeling there are more giveaways in Smart and Sassy’s future.  This one was too fun not to do another!  So now that you’ve read way more than you probably cared to about my time in Philadelphia (why do my posts always end up being way longer than I anticipate?) tell me, what was your weekend like?  I can’t wait to hear!  Lots of love to you all!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Laughter (and Giveaway Reminder)

tumblr_ktpzh05AqP1qzdr4go1_400_large{we heart it}

Hello from Philly!  Matt and I arrived in the City of Brotherly Love yesterday afternoon, and we’ve managed to do a few exciting things since we’ve been here, though most of today was spent at the conference.  Booooo.  However, this trip has reminded me how important it is find someone who makes you laugh, no matter how boring the presentation is, how long you’ve been walking in heels, and no matter how crazy the cab driver is.  Having someone to laugh with just makes life a heck of a lot more fun.  So no matter where you are tonight, grab, call, or sit with a friend who makes you laugh often, long, and loud.  It’ll make your day that much better :)

Also, just a reminder, tomorrow is the last day for the Kate Spade Giveaway.  If you haven’t entered, hurry and get your comment in by noon CT.  Every time I see my little pink gem peeking out of my purse, I can’t help but smile.  I’m so excited to see who wins the twin!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Give a Sister Some Brotherly Love

3196355573_7b6072aa36_large {we heart it}

Tomorrow morning Matt and I are headed to Philadelphia for a research conference (couple nerd alert: we are presenting together!)  I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had much time to check out the city.  Has anyone been to Philadelphia or heard good things about the city?  Any major do-not-miss-that suggestions?  I hate going to a new city without the full lay of the land, but I just haven’t had the time to devout to a full city stalking.  So any thoughts, tips, hints, or advice you have would be awesome.  (PS: initially, instead of typing awesome, I typed “off the chain awesome.”  Ummm, what the hell is wrong with me?  Off the chain?  Seriously?!  I scare myself.)  So if you’ve got any must do or must sees for the city of brotherly love, let me know!

Monday, March 8, 2010

What a Lovely Little Weekend

Hello there dear friends.  I hope this post finds you at the end of a successful and not too crazy Monday, after a fun, restful, and/or memorable weekend.  Any of those three are good in my book!  My weekend was filled with lots of smiles as I spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with several of my favorite people, and though I went to bed exhausted last night, it was definitely worth it!

DSCN1806-2 I spent Friday night on a dinner date with my best friend, Jordan.  I was literally looking forward to our date all week long, and we each joked that we hadn’t been this excited for a date with someone in years.  It ended up being more fun than either of us imagined, and I am more thankful for her friendship every time I see her.

DSCN1808 I bragged about Fireside Pies in my last post, and a few fellow Dallasites commented that you share my obsession.  If you’re not from Dallas, let me introduce you to this little bombshell.  It is their “Cheese Salad.”  Yes, you read that right.  Cheese salad.  It’s their most popular salad, and there are no words to describe its insane deliciousness.  I’m drooling as I type this.  Ugh, so good.

DSCN1814 After our cheese salad, giant wood fired pizza, and way too many glasses of sangria, we opted to end our date with this little guy.  It was worth every single calorie.

DSCN1822 The next day, I woke up with just a bit of a headache (oopsie on the sangria!) but I was really excited to help host one of my bff, Kendall’s, baby shower.  It was so good to see her, but so weird to see her with a baby inside of her!  I know this might sound super weird, but its kind of freaking me out that my friends are starting to have babies.  These aren’t shoes or puppies, these are BABIES people, real live babies!  I don’t know what it is, but it’s such a new phase of life and its crazy to see some of my friends who I grew up with entering the mommy phase.  (Does anyone know what I’m saying, or do I just sound like a complete loon?!)  However, my weirdness aside, if there is anyone who is going to be the best new mom ever, it’s Kendall.  For realz.  She seems so comfortable, so natural, and so ready to meet her new little man.  I know she is going to be an awesome mom (love you DJ), and I can’t wait to meet Mason!

DSCN1819 Adrienne and Kendall, mommy friends and bffs.  (Me, Jordan, Adge, and Kendall were semi-inseparable our senior year of high school.  I am so happy we’ve stayed so close; they make me smile like crazy.)

DSCN1830-1 PS: How annoying is it that Adrienne has a two year old and she looks so amazing?!  Seriously yall.  Insane.

DSCN1838 I hurried back home from Dallas late Saturday night to wake up at the crack of dawn to support our friend Natalia as she ran her first half marathon.  Norma and I rolled out with spirit, though our signs were ridiculously pathetic lol.  Please check out the runner that Matt drew in bottom left hand corner of Norma’s poster.  Such an artist :)

DSCN1841 After several false “Nati sightings,” (we swore every pink dot we saw coming down the hill was her) we finally spotted her running towards us.  We then proceeded to scream and cheer like crazy people.  Look how precious she is, and on mile 10 no less!

DSCN1850 We snapped this picture just after she crossed the finish line!  She was AMAZING and we are so proud of her.  I couldn’t get over the fact that she had just finished running 13.1 miles.  Seriously?!  Have any of yall ever run a half marathon?  How do you do it?!  I can’t even imagine!  We then headed back to Matt and I’s apartment for a yummy brunch in Nati’s honor.  And then, because I was so exhausted, just watching her run 13.1 miles, I took a Sunday afternoon nap.  All that cheering and jumping around just wore me out :)

82nd Annual Academy Awards Arrivals vtCpoStUHCal{zimbio} 

And like lots of bloggers out there, I spent last night cuddled up watching the Oscars and l-o-v-i-n-g both the show and the fashions!  Lots of good choices all around.  Because lots of bloggers have done thorough fashion recaps of the night, I’ll contain my love by showing two of my favorites of the night.  Miley Cyrus was precious and I loved the color, cut, and bling on her dress.  I also loved the not-so-perfect look of her hair.  Several ladies wore their hair wispy (JLo, Maggie, Miley, Zoe) and I think it’s a fresh look for spring that I’ll be attempting in some way, shape or form.

 maggie-gyllenhaal-2010-oscars-01 {just jared}

I also loved Maggie Gyllenhaal’s super pink lips.  I think she is stunning, and I will definitely be working the pinky pink lips this spring.  So what about you?  How was your weekend?  Was your weekend relaxing, fun, and/or memorable?  Are you weirded out (but in a good way) that your friends are having babies, did you wake up with a sangria headache, have you run a half marathon, did you love the Oscar fashions?  I can’t wait to hear!