Saturday, November 14, 2009

Back from Hiatus

Today is Saturday (perhaps Sunday by the time I hit publish), and my last post was Wednesday morning.  Can we say hiatus?!  I know for most bloggers this is normal, but I really do make an effort to keep my ramblings regular, posting almost every day.  So almost three full days without posting is most certainly unacceptable for this girl.  I even missed Thankful Thursday!  Thursday night I left my office at 12:45 am (ok, that's really Friday morning, but you get it), and after a seventeen hour workday, I decided sleep was more important than blogging about my thankfulness.  This is not to say that sleep was more important than being thankful, but it was definitely more important at the time than sharing my thankfulness with the world.  I'm pretty sure as grumpy as I was at 1:00 am, my thankfulness wouldn't have stretched very far anyway :)  So... after a crazy week, I kicked off my Saturday by sleeping in until noon.  Yep, you read that right...noon!  It was so awesome, something I haven't done in I don't know how long, and something I desperately needed.  (This is one of the reasons I fear having children.  You have to give up your sleeping in until noon days.  I mean, I've pretty much given that up, but I like to have the option every few months.  I imagine screaming babies and little people needing to be fed interrupt the sleeping till noon thing.)  The rest of my afternoon was filled with cleaning, grocery shopping, and preparing for the big OU/A&M watch party.  Then our delightful friends headed over to watch the game with us and endure my loud, obnoxious, and often foulmouthed commentary.  (I can't help it; college football brings out another side of me!)  And to end the night, Matt and I snuggled up on the couch to watch an episode of the oh so creepy, yet addicting show "Criminal Minds."  Seriously, it's addicting.  I almost skipped class the other day to watch it, but then realized I could never explain to my professor that I got caught up in the magic that is the Behavioral Analysis Unit.

So, to make a long story short: it's been a crazy week, I've been a bad blogger, but I'm now recharged and back to sharing my regular ramblings.  My hiatus is officially over.

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